Where is magnet found in nature? Magnetite (Fe3O4) is the most common natural magneti…
How is earth a magnet? The Earth is a magnet because it has a magnetic field caused b…
What are the 3 rules of magnets? The three rules of magnets are: Opposites attract: T…
What are the 4 types of magnets? There are four main types of magnets: permanent mag…
How does a magnet work? A magnet is an object that generates a magnetic field. This f…
Tips to student to secure high grade in exams. Start studying early: Don't wait u…
Ways to manage time in exam hall. Make a plan: Before the exam, make a plan of how yo…
Relationship between health education, population education and environment education…
Essay on health education in 500 words. Health education is the process of providing …
Which technology is called the future of world? It is difficult to say which specific …
Explain the saying prevention is better than cure. The saying "prevention is bet…
What are the top 6 technologies of AI? The top 6 technologies in AI are: Natural Lang…
Are humans afraid of AI? Some people may be afraid of the potential consequences of a…
What are the 4 types of AI? There are several ways to classify AI, but a common frame…
Will AI take over the world? It is unlikely that AI will take over the world. While AI…
Essay on Hostel life in 500 words. Hostel life can be a unique and rewarding experie…
What does Elon Musk mean about AI? Elon Musk has spoken extensively about his concern…
What exactly AI means? AI stands for Artificial Intelligence, which refers to the sim…
What is Open AI? Open AI is a research company that aims to develop and promote frie…
How to write a perfect article? There is no one-size-fits-all answer to how to write …
Masturbation is good or bad. Masturbation is a normal and healthy sexual activity. It…
Does God exist? The existence of a higher power, often referred to as "God,"…
list of sexual transmitted disease. Here is a list of sexually transmitted diseases (…
Essay on importance of discipline in 500 words. Discipline refers to the practice of …
Essay on educational tour in 500 words. An educational tour is a visit to a place or …
Prevention of heart disease. There are several steps that you can take to help preven…
About heart disease and it's symptoms. Heart disease, also called cardiovascular …
Prevention of Cancer. There is no sure way to prevent cancer, but there are things yo…
What is cancer and it's symptoms. Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by …
Prevention of Diabetes. Preventing diabetes involves making lifestyle changes to redu…
What is Diabetes and it's symptoms. Diabetes is a chronic medical condition in wh…
What is chronic disease? A chronic disease is a long-term medical condition that is c…
Prevention of Dengue virus. Prevention of dengue includes measures to control the mos…
What is coronavirus and its symptoms. Coronaviruses are a type of virus that can caus…
What is Dengue and it's symptoms? Dengue is a viral disease transmitted by mosqui…
About HIV/AIDs and it's symptoms. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus t…
Which country is called country of technology in 2023. It's difficult to say whic…
Essay on beauty of Nepal in 500 words. Nepal is a small landlocked country located in…
What are the 5 major economic problems of Nepal in 2023. Nepal, a small, landlocked c…
How do you start a love letter? A love letter is a great way to express your feelings…
How to write a love letter with example. Writing a love letter can be a thoughtful an…
What is globalization for class 10? In the context of social studies or economics, gl…
What is meant by globalization and localization? Globalization and localization are t…
What are the effects of global warming? The effects of global warming are wide-ranging…
Essay on global warming in 500 words for students. Global warming is the gradual incr…
What will be the future? The future is uncertain and can be affected by a wide range …
What are the basic commands in QBasic? QBasic is an old programming language, so the…
How to count backwards in QBasic? In QBasic, you can use a "FOR" loop to co…
Why sustainable development is important for economic growth. Sustainable developmen…
Why is women's empowerment important? Women's empowerment is important for a …
Essay on wireless technology in 500 words. Wireless technology refers to the transfe…
Will AI or robot harm human in future? It's possible that AI or robots could harm…
What is meant by AI technology in education? AI technology in education refers to the…
What are the effects of corruption in Nepal in points. Corruption in Nepal can have a…
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