Showing posts from January, 2023Show all
 Where is magnet found in nature?
 How is earth a magnet?
 What are the 3 rules of magnets?
 What are the 4 types of magnets?
 How does a magnet work?
 Tips to student to secure high grade in exams.
 Ways to manage time in exam hall.
Relationship between health education, population education and environment education.
 Essay on health education in 500 words.
Which technology is called the future of world?
 Explain the saying prevention is better than cure.
 What are the top 6 technologies of AI?
 Are humans afraid of AI?
 What are the 4 types of AI?
Will AI take over the world?
Essay on Hostel life in 500 words.
 What does Elon Musk mean about AI?
 What exactly AI means?
What is Open AI?
 How to write a perfect article?
Masturbation is good or bad.
 Does God exist? Yes or No
 list of sexual transmitted disease.
 Essay on importance of discipline in 500 words.
 Essay on educational tour in 500 words.
 Prevention of heart disease.
 About heart disease and it's symptoms.
 Prevention of Cancer.
 What is cancer and it's symptoms.
 Prevention of Diabetes.
 What is Diabetes and it's symptoms.
What is chronic disease?
 Prevention of Dengue virus.
 What is coronavirus and its symptoms.
 What is Dengue and it's symptoms?
 About HIV/AIDs and it's symptoms.
Which country is called country of technology in 2023.
Essay on beauty of Nepal in 500 words.
What are the 5 major economic problems of Nepal in 2023.
 How do you start a love letter?
 How to write a love letter with example.
 What is globalization for class 10?
What is meant by globalization and localization?
What are the effects of global warming?
 Essay on global warming in 500 words for students.
 What will be the future?
What are the basic commands in QBasic?
How to count backwards in QBasic?
Why sustainable development is important for economic growth.
Why is women's empowerment important?
Essay on wireless technology in 500 words.
 Will AI or robot harm human in future?
 What is meant by AI technology in education?
What are the effects of corruption in Nepal in points.