Tips to student to secure high grade in exams. Start studying early: Don't wait u…
Ways to manage time in exam hall. Make a plan: Before the exam, make a plan of how yo…
Relationship between health education, population education and environment education…
Explain the saying prevention is better than cure. The saying "prevention is bet…
Masturbation is good or bad. Masturbation is a normal and healthy sexual activity. It…
Does God exist? The existence of a higher power, often referred to as "God,"…
How do you start a love letter? A love letter is a great way to express your feelings…
How to write a love letter with example. Writing a love letter can be a thoughtful an…
What will be the future? The future is uncertain and can be affected by a wide range …
What are the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power plants? Nuclear power pla…
Why did Chernobyl happen? The Chernobyl disaster was a nuclear accident that occurred…
What are nuclear plants used for? Nuclear power plants are used to generate electrici…
How hot is the Sun? The surface of the Sun, also known as the photosphere, has an ave…
Can you live without sunlight? Sunlight is an essential source of energy for all liv…
How many years will the Earth survive? It's difficult to predict exactly how long…
How long will the sun last? The Sun is currently in the middle of its life, and has b…
What is the real name of sun? The sun is a star, and like all stars it is often refe…
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