How to Write a Perfect Essay.

How To Write a Perfect Essay.

As a complete test, an essay has three parts: introduction, body and conclusion. The introductory part introduces the topic and establishes a thesis. It tells the reader what the essay is about. The last sentence(s) of this paragraph should have a power to motivate the reader to continue reading.

    The body of an essay is its main part. The beginning sentence of the body should continue the idea raised by the last sentence of the introduction. The body is generally broken into three paragraphs which are highly interlinked and develop and elaborate the thesis in detail. In other words, these paragraphs clarify the idea and justify the purpose. The last sentence of the body leads to the last or concluding section.

    The concluding paragraph settles the thesis raised in the introduction and elaborated in the body. It is the restatement of the thesis. It summarizes the main ideas discussed above. It also presents the viewpoint of the writer who may also give his message there.

    Writing an essay is a planned work. It should follow certain steps in a sequence. The major steps are as follows.

1. Pick a topic or get a topic: Essay can be written on a topic the writer chooses or is given or assigned. When you can fix a topic free of your choice, you can choose an interesting or relevant topic for you. There is also a purpose of writing an essay on a topic you choose. But when you have got an assignment to write an essay on a given topic as in an exam, you have an obligation to write no matter whether you like the topic or not. Whatever the case is, an essay writer should focus on the topic and start fathering ideas and arranging them mentally.

2. Prepare an outline of main ideas/points: One cannot write a good essay without organizing ideas properly. An essayist can jot the ideas arousing in mind into a paper. Then he/she can find how these ideas can link and connect to each other. He/she may have to reorder the randomly arising ideas to make them coherent. Few lines can be written to explain the main ideas one after another. But during examination, this will have to be done mentally,

3. Write the thesis statement: After sorting the main ideas from our mind, we should write a thesis statement that tells the reader the main point of the essay. The thesis statement will have two parts: the first states the topic and the second states the point of the essay. For example, if you are writing an essay on 'The Spring Season', an appropriate thesis statement would be "The spring season is the king of all seasons."

4. Write the body: The body is the main part of the essay. It argues, explains and describes the topic. Each idea collected in the outline are explained here. Each paragraph in the body may start with the main ideas as introductory sentence. Then there will be further explanation and elaboration of the ideas can be put together. On the whole the thesis statement should be introduced and explained in detail in this section.

5. Write the conclusion: The conclusion settles the ideas and arguments raised and explained in the body. In other words, it sums up ideas giving the essayist's final perspective on the topic. The conclusion should not be short and may consist of three to five strong sentences. If we are not writing during examinations and have time you may revise our ideas and give our essay the final touch making necessary revisions and amendments.

Thus, a standard essay may consist of three to five paragraphs.


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